Saturday, May 23, 2015

How to Prevent Falls

Falls are a main source of disability in seniors. Here is a great article on how to prevent falls by a qualified physical therapist who specializes in balance. Never take for granted the health that you have today. A little preventative action will go a long way. Falls among older adults, says Kaiser Permanente Physical Therapy Expert Linda Felix, can have serious consequences, such as brain injury and hematomas—a collection of blood outside of a blood vessel. “These issues can be life threatening or life altering,” says Felix. “After a head injury, one can have impaired memory and thinking skills that can lead to impaired ability to perform daily activities or function independently,” she says. “People who have osteoporosis or take blood thinners are particularly at risk for serious injury after a fall.”

Some of the common falls and accidents older adults experience include loss of balance upon getting out of bed, tripping, syncope (passing out leading to a fall), dizziness or vertigo (a feeling that you or your surroundings are moving when there is no actual movement). Additionally, says Felix, seniors also lose their stability due to bending over or standing too quickly, being distracted or falling off a chair or ladder. “Most falls don’t just happen, but are the result of risk factors,” advises Felix. “Often falls are caused by a combination of risk factors, such as muscle weakness, difficulty walking, a drop in blood pressure, changes in vision, and medication side effects such as dizziness or imbalance.”

A licensed physical therapist since 1990, Linda Felix is certified in Vestibular Rehabilitation. She has a master’s degree in Physical Therapy from the University of Southern California and a bachelor’s from Rutgers University.

Ms. Felix’s philosophy of care: “My treatment approach is patient-centered and functionally-based.”

1. Stay active and keep your muscles strong; walk alone or with friends from the neighborhood or take exercise classes offered in your area.

2. Family Matters: Make staying fit a family affair. Get everyone involved to help maintain a healthy lifestyle.

3. Comfort is King: Be sure to wear comfortable, sturdy shoes to reduce your risk of falling or having an accident.  [I think this means don’t wear 3″ heels ;)]

Slips, falls and accidents happen. But when they happen to older adults, the consequences can be particularly problematic. Studies show that seniors who fall and break a hip, for example, rarely regain full mobility and independence.

So take care out there, stay active and stay strong!

The post How to Prevent Falls appeared first on East Coast Seniors Association.

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